HELPING small to medium businesses


If you answer yes to any of these questions, we’re here to help:

✔ I’m so busy in the day-to-day, I don’t have time to think about marketing
✔ I want to expand my business
✔ Big consulting firms are expensive
✔ I’d like to be generating more leads, my business is stagnating
✔ I have a marketing assistant, but don’t know how to coach them
✔ I invest a lot in marketing but don’t know if what I’m doing is right
✔ Our marketing materials are all over the place and not organised at all




$2M+ revenue | 10+ employees | Multiple product & customer segments
✔ Full ‘kit & caboodle’ marketing program
✔ ‘Light’ marketing program
✔ Ad-hoc marketing consulting
✔ DIY marketing strategy program
✔ Mentoring


<$2M revenue | <10 employees | Focused product & customer segments
✔ Small business workshops
✔ Ad-hoc marketing consulting
✔ DIY marketing strategy program
✔ Mentoring


Full Marketing Consulting Program: Audit, recommendations and activity plan

Looking to drive ambitious growth in your business? This program starts with a thorough review of your marketing program, from a consultant working on site at your offices to gain a deep understanding your business. Insights and facts gained from this review leads to recommendations, then a detailed marketing strategy and plan is built, incorporating recommendations on structure, process and marketing tactics.

”Light” Marketing Consulting Program: Pick and choose from the full program

Some businesses won’t require the full program. Our consultant works with you to decide which are the most important elements to delve into for your business, discussed and agreed during an initial consultation. Pick from portfolio analysis, competitive environment & brand positioning, marketing tactics review, and much more.

Ad Hoc Consulting

Need help with something specific? Our consultant can come to your office (or via zoom) to assist with any marketing strategy needs you have. Perhaps you require help to assess your marketing team capability? Assess your strategy? Digital Marketing? What are you doing well? What could be improved? Are there things that you should be doing, but aren’t? Want to look at your competitive environment or brand positioning? This option is for you.

DIY Marketing Strategy Program for SME’s (Small to Medium Businesses)

A step by step program on how to build your own Marketing Strategy, specifically designed for small to medium businesses, written by our consultant with decades of marketing experience. Best practice marketing can be recommended by a Marketing Consultant, but not every business is in a position to be able to hire one. In this program, the secrets of the Marketing Consultant have been laid out, step by step, with a great mix of theory and practical learning exercises you’ll have a world class Marketing Strategy written in no time, minus the cost of a consultant.

Small Business Half Day Strategy Workshop

Specifically designed to assist Small Businesses (less than $2m revenue, less than 15 FTE’s).

A consultant will join you for a half day brainstorming workshop (Melbourne - onsite, other locations via Zoom/Teams) to cover the most vital aspects of your business and marketing strategy, including who are you targeting? What problem are you solving for? How are you reaching them? With what message?


Do you have a small and inexperienced marketing team? Do you have the skills to be able to evaluate your Marketing Manager? Want help with recruitment? Someone on extended leave? We can help.

The essence of strategy is deciding what not to do.

- Michael Porter

Ambitious growth starts here, contact us to book a free, no obligation 30 minute chat.