WHO: $5m+ annual revenue, complex businesses with multiple product and customer segments
WHAT: Gain a deep understanding of the business and industry. Gather insights & present strategic recommendations. Develop detailed project plan and marketing tactics plan.
TIME: Approx. 15 consulting days
WHO: Small businesses
WHAT: Gain a topline understanding of the business and industry. Assistance with understand who you’re targeting, how you can reach them, and with what messaging.
TIME: Half Day (4 hours)
WHO: $1- 5m annual revenue businesses
WHAT: Gain a solid understanding of the business and industry. Work with client to choose focus areas from the full marketing program. Gather insights & present strategic recommendations. Develop detailed project plan and marketing tactics plan.
TIME: Approx. 8 consulting days
WHO: Any sized business
WHAT: Receive expert marketing advice on a specific issue identified within your business. Assistance with mentoring marketing team or interim marketing manager support (mat. leave cover etc). Marketing tactics review. Digital marketing review.
TIME: Determined via free initial consultation
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