A step by step guide how to build your own Marketing Strategy, designed specifically for small to medium businesses, written by our consultant with decades of marketing experience.
Best practice marketing can by recommended by a Marketing Consultant, but not every business is in a position to be able to hire one. However, the secrets of the Marketing Consultant have been laid out step by step in this DIY program, which will help guide you write your own world class marketing strategy!
Most entrepreneurs already have a lot of Marketing nous, let this program guide you on your way to ambitious growth!
With a great mix of theory and practical learning exercises, this DIY Program covers:
The Foundations: Business Strategy, Investment Principles, Portfolio Analysis
Your Brands: Brand Equity, Target Audience, Brand Positioning, Understanding your consumer/customer
Process: Defining your Brand Problem, The Marketing Funnel, The Brand Planning Process
Marketing Activity Planning: Tactic Selection, Digital Marketing, The Marketing Activity Calendar
Evaluation: ROI, KPI setting, The Cycle
Of course, our consultants are on hand to help should you need assistance with any of the topics covered.
Enquiry: info@crmarketingconsulting.au